آقای مجرد داستانش رو تعریف میکنه

مجموعه: کتاب های ساده / کتاب: مغازه کنجکاوی قدیمی / فصل 19

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آقای مجرد داستانش رو تعریف میکنه

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آقای مجرد داستانش رو تعریف میکنه

حالا کیت توی عمرش انقدر خوشحال نبود. خبر آقای برس و سالی رو شنیده بود و بهش گفته شده بود که الان یک مرد آزاد هست. آقای گارلند با سرعت هر چه تمام اومده بود کیت رو از زندان ببره خونه.

وقتی برگشتن خونه‌ی آقای گارلند، مادر کیت با دو تا برادرش اونجا بود و داشت از خوشحالی گریه میکرد. آقای گارلند، آبل، باربارا و آقای مجرد هم اونجا بودن. همه از دیدن کیت خیلی هیجان‌زده و خوشحال بودن، مخصوصاً باربارا. خندیدن و حرف زدن و هدایای مخصوصی برای خوشامد کیت به خونه بهش دادن.

بعد از مدتی کیت متوجه شد که فراموش کرده به یه دوست دیگه‌اش سلام بده. آروم رفت بیرون پشت خونه به اصطبل جایی که ویسکر اسب اونجا نگهداری میشد. دستش رو گذاشت روی گردن ویسکر و آروم باهاش حرف زد. وقتی داشت حرف میزد شنید یک نفر پشت سرش حرکت میکنه. باربارا بود! باربارا اینجا چی کار می‌کرد؟

گفت: “آه، کیت واقعاً تویی؟ واقعاً صحیح و سالم برگشتی اینجا پیش ما؟ خیلی دلم برات تنگ شده بود.”

حالا خیلی نزدیک کیت ایستاده بود و کیت می‌تونست ببینه که باربارا شروع به گریه کرده. بدون اینکه فکر کنه کیت بغلش کرد و گونه‌هاش رو خشک کرد. باربارا به کیت نگاه کرد و کیت دوباره بدون فکر بوسیدش. اسب یک‌مرتبه حرکت کرد و باربارا که تعجب کرده بود فرار کرد.

اون شب وقتی همه چیز آروم‌تر شده بود آقای گارلند خواست با کیت حرف بزنه.

“فردا با من میای سفر؟”پرسید.

“سفر؟”کیت پرسید.

اربابش جواب داد: “بله. نل و پدربزرگش پیدا شدن و باید بریم و اونها رو ببینیم. نل بیمار بود و ضعیفه ولی امیدوارم به زودی حالش خوب بشه.”

بعد آقای گارلند کل داستان رو برای کیت تعریف کرد. و توضیح داد که دوست خیلی خوبی داشته که معلم مدرسه بود و در روستایی در ییلاقات زندگی می‌کرد. اسمش آقای مارتون بود. زیاد این دوست رو نمی‌دید، ولی برای همدیگه نامه می‌نوشتن. آقای مارتون در یکی از نامه‌ها توضیح داده بود که در روستا به دو نفر جدید کمک کرده، یک دختر جوان و پدربزرگش. درباره اینکه چطور سفر می‌کردن و فقیر بودن نوشته بود. وقتی آقای گارلند این رو خوند فکر کرده بود که ممکنه دوستان کیت باشن. بنابراین نامه‌ای نوشته بود و از آقای مارتون اطلاعات بیشتری خواسته بود. همون روز جواب اومده بود که نوشته بود بله، نل و پدربزرگ هستن.

کیت خیلی خوشحال شد و گفت البته، صبح روز بعد آماده‌ی سفر میشه. اون شب خوابیدن براش سخت بود، چون به نل و باربارا فکر می‌کرد.

صبح روز بعد آقای گارلند و آقای مجرد سوار کالسکه شدن. کیت رفت پشت کالسکه و سفر طولانی‌شون رو شروع کردن. کل روز و شب سفر کردن. بعد از سکوت طولانی در کالسکه آقای مجرد رو کرد به آقای گارلند و ازش پرسید شنونده‌ی خوبی هست یا نه.

آقای گارلند جواب داد: “بله، البته. اگه داستان جالب باشه!”

آقای مجرد شروع کرد: “پس داستان کوتاهی هست که می‌خوام برات تعریف کنم. دو تا برادر بودن که همدیگه رو خیلی زیاد دوست داشتن. ۱۲ سال فاصله‌ی سنی داشتن. هر دو با خوشحالی عاشق شدن، ولی متأسفانه عاشق یک زن شده بودن. برادر کوچک‌تر اولین نفری بود که متوجه این موضوع شد و خیلی در این باره ناراحت شد. وقتی بچه بود خیلی بیمار و ضعیف بود و برادر بزرگترش سالیان زیاد با دقت ازش مراقبت کرده بود. برادر کوچک‌تر تصمیم گرفت چیزی درباره‌ی زن نگه چون می‌خواست برادرش خوشحال باشه. کشور رو ترک کرد.

برادر بزرگ‌تر با زن ازدواج کرد و مدتی خیلی خوشبخت بود. ولی بعد زنش مرد و با یه دختر تنهاش گذاشت. این دختر زیبا و دقیقاً شبیه مادرش بود. دختر بزرگ شد و زن شیرینی شد ولی با یک مرد وحشتناک ازدواج کرد که تمام پول دختر رو خرج کرد و باهاش ظالم بود. به قدری فقیر بودن که اول شوهرش مرد و بعد دختره و دو تا بچه جا گذاشتن. یک پسر حدوداً ۱۰ ساله و یه دختر نوزاد. بنابراین پدربزرگشون - ‌برادر بزرگ‌تر - از بچه‌ها مراقبت کرد. خیلی غمگین بود. زنش رو از دست داده بود و دخترش رو هم از دست داده بود و حالا یه پیرمرد بود.

دو تا بچه بزرگ شدن و خیلی متفاوت بودن. پسر درست مثل پدرش شد. ناصادق و تنبل بود و قبل از اینکه بره تنها زندگی کنه تمام پول پدربزرگش رو خرج کرد. دختر شیرین و معصوم بود، درست مثل مادر زیباش. با پدربزرگش موند و بهش کمک کرد کسب و کار رو که یک مغازه فروش عتیقه‌ی قدیمی بود اداره کنه.

پیرمرد نوه‌ی کوچیکش رو خیلی زیاد دوست داشت. صورت زیباش زن و دخترش رو یادش می‌نداخت. ولی پیرمرد خیلی میترسید دختر مثل مادر و مادربزرگش زندگی کوتاه و غم‌انگیزی داشته باشه.

در طول تمام این سال‌ها برادر کوچیک‌تر تنهای تنها در کشورهای متفاوتی سفر می‌کرد. هیچ کس نمی‌دونست چرا انگلیس رو ترک کرده و فکر می‌کردن حتماً به خاطر دلایل بدی بوده. وقتی بزرگ‌تر میشد بیشتر و بیشتر به برادر بزرگترش و اوقات خوشی که در دوران کودکی با هم سپری کرده بودن، فکر می‌کرد. زمانی شد که دیگه نتونست تحمل کنه. هر چیزی که صاحبش بود رو فروخت. حالا به قدری ثروتمند بود که هم از خودش و هم از برادرشون مراقبت کنه برگشت لندن و در خونه‌ی برادرش رو زد … “. آقای مجرد که صداش آروم‌تر و غمگین‌تر شده بود، گفت.

آقای گارلند گفت: “بله” و دستش رو گذاشت روی دست دوستش. “فکر می‌کنم باقی ماجرا رو میدونم.”

آقای مجرد موافقت کرد: “بله. میدونی چطور دنبال برادرم و نوه‌اش گشتم و تا حالا هیچ شانسی نداشتم. واقعاً امیدوارم این بار پیداشون کنیم.”

متن انگلیسی فصل

Chapter nineteen

The Single Gentleman Shares his Story

Kit was now happier than he had ever been. He had heard the news about Mr Brass and Sally and had been told that he was now a free man. Mr Garland came as quickly as he could to get Kit from the prison and take him home.

When they arrived back at the Garlands’ house Kit’s mother was there with his two brothers and she was crying with joy. Mrs Garland, Abel, Barbara and the single gentleman were there too. They were all very excited and pleased to see Kit - especially Barbara. They laughed and talked and gave Kit special presents to welcome him home.

After a while, Kit realized that he had forgotten to say hello to another friend. He quietly walked out to the back of the house to the stables, where Whisker the pony was kept. He put his hand on Whisker’s neck and spoke to him gently. As he was talking, he heard someone move behind him. It was Barbara! What was Barbara doing here?

‘Oh, Kit,’ she said, ‘is it really you? Are you really back here safe with us? I’ve missed you so much.’

She was standing quite near him now and Kit could see that she had begun to cry. Without thinking about it, he put his arm around her, and dried her cheek. She looked up at him, and again without thinking, Kit kissed her. The pony suddenly moved and Barbara, who was surprised, ran away.

Later that evening, when everything was calmer, Mr Garland asked to speak to Kit.

‘Would you come with me on a journey tomorrow?’ he asked.

‘A journey?’ asked Kit.

‘Yes,’ replied his master. ‘Nell and her grandfather have been found and we should go and see them. Nell has been ill and is weak, but I hope she will be better soon.’

Mr Garland then told Kit the whole story. He explained that he had a very good friend who was a schoolteacher who lived in a village in the country. His name was Mr Marton. He did not see this friend very often, but they wrote letters to each other. In one of his letters, Mr Marton had described helping two new people in the village - a young girl and her old grandfather. He wrote about how they had been travelling and were poor. When Mr Garland had read this he thought they might be Kit’s friends. so he wrote a letter asking Mr Marton for more information. That very day a reply had come which said that yes, they were Nell and her grandfather.

Kit was very happy and said that of course he would be ready for the journey the next morning. He found it difficult to sleep that night because he was thinking about Nell, and about Barbara.

Early the next morning Mr Garland and the single gentleman climbed into the carriage. Kit climbed up onto the back of it, and they began their long journey. They travelled all day and into the evening. After a long silence in the carriage, the single gentleman turned to Mr Garland and asked him if he was a good listener.

‘Yes, of course,’ he replied. ‘If the story is interesting!’

‘Then there is a short story I want to tell you,’ the single gentleman began. ‘There were two brothers who loved each other a lot. There was an age difference of twelve years between them. Happily, they both fell in love, but sadly, it was with the same woman. The younger brother was the first to realize this and he was very upset about it. When he was a child he had been very ill and weak and his older brother had looked after him very carefully for years. The younger brother decided not to say anything about the woman because he wanted his brother to be happy. He left the country.

‘The older brother married the woman and was very happy for a while. But then his wife died and left him with a daughter. This daughter was beautiful and was exactly like her mother. She grew up to be a sweet woman, but she married a terrible man who spent all of her money and was cruel to her. They were so poor that first her husband died, and then she died too, leaving two children behind. There was a son of about ten years old and a baby girl. So then their grandfather - the older brother - looked after them. He was very sad. He had lost his wife, and then he had lost his daughter, and he was by that time an old man.

‘The two children grew up to be very different. The boy became just like his father had been. He was dishonest and lazy, and he had wasted a lot of the grandfather’s money before he left to live on his own. The girl was sweet and innocent, just like her beautiful mother had been. She stayed with her grandfather and helped him to run a business, which was a shop selling old curios.

‘The old man loved his young granddaughter very much. Her beautiful face reminded him of his wife and his daughter. But he was very frightened that the girl would have a sad and short life like her mother and grandmother before her.

‘During all these years the younger brother was travelling in many different countries all alone. No one knew why he had left England, and they thought it must have been for bad reasons. As he got older he thought more and more about his older brother and the happy times they had shared as children. The time came when he could bear it no more. He sold everything he owned. Now being rich enough to look after both himself and his brother, he returned to London and knocked on his brother’s door.’ said the single gentleman, whose voice had grown quiet and sad.

‘Yes,’ said Mr Garland, putting his hand on top of his friend’s. ‘And I think I know the rest of the story.’

‘Yes,’ agreed the single gentleman. ‘You know all about how I have been looking for my brother and his granddaughter and, until now, have had no luck. I really hope that this time we will find them.’

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